After a brief hike with Niko on Sunday (he didn't get to join us on our gully adventure the day before), I headed out on Brian's cross bike. I always forget how much fun a road bike can be. As much as I hate riding on the road, riding on a road bike on paved trails can be exhilarating.
I headed out the door of my house with the intention of riding for 3 to 4 hours, taking lots of green pictures and exploring some paved trails that I have never been on before. I wanted to see how far I could get up to the Glen Alps or Upper DeArmoun area on a bike without actually riding on the road. I'd like to be able to combine biking and running as much as possible this summer, so it would be nice to be able to ride to the trailheads. Since the dirt trails are not dried out yet, I would have to do it via mostly paved trails.
I thought I would cut through the APU area on a new trail that I found this winter, but I quickly hit a swampy area and had to turn around. This trail is a snow highway in the winter, and my direct route to University Lake and FNBP. But in summer, not so much.
I eventually ended up on Elmore Rd, which has an awesome bike trail that runs the length of it from 36th all the way up to Abbot. In no time I found myself at Abbot Road and then at service high school. Road bikes are fast!
It was fun spotting all of the new growth around town. As much as I love winter, when spring arrives I start to feel full of energy again. I don't realize how much the darkness wears on me until I feel the sun on my face for hours and hours at a time. It stays light out past 10pm now.
I took the bridge over Abbot Rd to the Birch Road trail. This trail was a great hill workout. I followed it all the way to the end near Huffman and then followed a road that led to DeArmoun. I realized that I was really close to the Rabbit Creek Trail head. It was just about another mile on the road, but my goal was to stay off the roads so I turned back and road home the way I came.
It's nice to know that I can get to most of the trailheads in the Chugach now by bike and not have to drive or ride on the road. I'm hoping to have many multi-sport days this summer.
I spy bear spray! First brownie of the season spotted tonight a few miles from your turnaround point.
I had the cross bike and I was thinking about heading back through FNBP if the trails were dry enough, hence the bear spray. I tend to have it strapped to me all the time throughout the summer!
It's great filling to go out on fresh air after such a long winter! However, I still go to work with my car. :) I like your photos! Ana
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