Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wandering Laura Settles in Alaska!

Back before I started this blog my childhood friend, Laura, came to visit Alaska. At the time she was living and going to school in New York City and was thinking about making a change. As much as she loves the city and all of the culture, good food, music and people, she wanted more outdoor adventure in her life.

To go on a just a simple hike outside of NYC took planning, a bus ride, and a lot of convincing to get someone to go with her. So when she visited Alaska in the fall of 2006 and saw how accessible the wilderness was, how beautiful the landscapes were and how many adventurous people resided here, she started to think maybe some day she would like to live here. I was thrilled to know that some day I might have one my best friends from home living in Anchorage.

Well, she is finally here! In 2007 Laura left her comfy apartment in New York to travel for a year. She road tripped around the United States visiting friends and family for six months and then spent three months exploring Australia and New Zealand. It was in New Zealand that she had an epiphany. The beauty of New Zealand and the adventurous spirit of the people reminded her so much of Alaska that she decided then and there that the move to Alaska was official (and she emailed me that week).

So that's why I've been a bit quiet on the blog. We've spent the last week getting Laura settled in, walking the dogs and getting reacquainted, and taking her on some mellow hikes and bike rides (she sprained her ankle on the road trip up here, so she can't do anything hard yet) just to get her out before the snow flies.

It's exciting to watch someone so new to Alaska get settled in. It takes me back to when I first moved here and everything was new. It's funny to watch her reaction to all of the weird Alaskan culture that is so different from the lower 48. I'm sure this is not the last time you will be seeing Laura on my blog.


Anonymous said...

Weird Alaskan culture ?
Haul her out to the Frigid Bits Shindig Saturday Night.

Anonymous said...

What handsome canine friends!!