Wednesday I officially entered myself in the Mount Marathon race again, set for July 4, 2008. Since I was a finisher last year, I can automatically enter again without having to enter the lottery. My outlook on that race is quite a bit different than it was last year.
Last year I signed up on a whim and never really expected to get in. Once I found out I was in, I was nervous because I had never been on the mountain and didn't know what to expect. I heard only crazies do this race. You can read about my pre-race jitters here.
Now that I have been on the mountain, completed the race, and had an awesome time, I am super excited for this years race. I can now set some new goals.
Because there are 350 women in the race, there is a staggered start. The first 150 women finishers from the previous year start in the first wave. The rest of the finishers from the previous year and all of the rookies and rif-raf, start in the second wave. Don't get me wrong, being amongst the rif-raf is definitely a fun place to be. I spend a lot of time there. The people at the back of the pack don't take themselves too seriously and always have a good time no matter where they finish. But I imagine there is also a certain kind of fun to be had out in front too. Maybe I will never be out in front, but I think I can get close in this race.
My goal this year is to finish in the the top 150, so that in 2009 I can start in the first wave. Which means finishing in about 1 hour and 30 minutes. This is an attainable goal. Last year with minimal training I got up the mountain in 1:20 and down in 35. I just need to get up the mountain in under 1 hour and I am set.
My plan is to hike as fast as I can up any mountain I can find in the months of April, May and June. That includes making a few trips down to Seward to scope out the mountain, find the fastest path, practice running down the most perfect scree field ever, and work on coming down the cliff in the chute more quickly and efficiently. Also to prepare I plan on entering some of the other races in the Grand Prix of Alaska Mountain Runners.
So there it is. It's fun to put my goals out here in the public. It makes me more accountable for them. And if I fail miserably you guys can all have a laugh at my expense, eh? So it's a win, win situation.
So do I come for the 4th and make it a tradition or do I meet you in Vancouver in May? Decisions, decisions.
Holy crap, that photo makes that mountain look really, really steep. i'm a backpacker and I get nauseous just thinking about carrying my pack up that one!
Carolyn H.
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