Thursday, March 20, 2008


Ripple is the climb that first got me hooked on ice climbing. Last year it was my big goal to lead it by the end of the season. Every time we walked under it, it loomed over me and put this big massive weight on my shoulders. I finally got to the top of it in March of last year, and was on top of the world.

I hadn't been on the climb at all this season, but had walked under it many times on my way to other climbs. Today I finally got back on it. The ice was actually dripping down on our heads. But it was big and blue and beautiful.

I have recently decided to go leashless. I was talked into it by some women in Ouray, but when I was up there leading today I thought I wouldn't mind having my leashes back. My thought was that if my feet blow out and I don't have leashes I'm going to fall. Even if I have the best stick in the ice with my tools, without the leashes I'm not guaranteed to still be attached to the tool.

This is an interesting turn of events because I thought that I was hooked on leashless tools. In reality I felt extremely vulnerable up there without my leashes. I guess I haven't noticed much yet this year because I haven't led on steep ice since I took them off. So back on they go.

It was good to get out during the week!

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