Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saying goodbye to winter in style

Saturday was the 24th Annual Champagne Brunch and Farwell to Winter party in Hatcher's Pass. Brian and I have heard about this for a few years now and finally made it up there. It's basically a day of dressing up in formal attire, skiing, drinking and eating in the sunshine of spring.

The first people to arrive carve a table in the snow and skiers come and go all day long. Eat, drink, get in some turns and then eat and drink some more. Good times!

I'm not sure if I mentioned this but Brian and I are both without cameras right now. So here are some pictures from other people that were at the event. I honestly don't even know who some of these people are, I just downloaded them from some website. Ick, I want my camera back. It really sucks to watch your boyfriend and dog ski down the side of a mountain on the most beautiful day of the year, in one of the most beautiful places in Alaska, and not be able to take a picture of it.

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